1. A Look at LGBTQI+ Representation in Doctor Who
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Celebrating Pride Month on the DWC.
2. Queer representation in Doctor Who | Tardis | Fandom
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The portrayal and representation of queer identities in the Doctor Who universe affects how many fans experience Doctor Who. (DOC: LGBTQ In The Worlds Of Doctor Who, REF: Queers Dig Time Lords) It has been considered an important issue by 21st century showrunners Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat, and Chris Chibnall,[1][2] as well as Class creator & writer Patrick Ness.[3] When interviewed for an episode of The Fan Show on LGBTQ+ issues and Doctor Who, Waris Hussein stated that Doctor Who in its o
3. Lgbt characters in Doctor Who – @micswho on Tumblr
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Doctor who isn´t perfect but it has some representation. What makes this little amount of representation so important is that it´s a family show. A lots of kids watch doctor who. Although some chara…
4. LGBTQ+ representation in Doctor Who - The Strand
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A downgrade from 2005?
5. Queering the TARDIS: LGBT+ Characters in Classic Who
Apr 2, 2017 · The number of obviously LGBT characters in Classic Who can be counted on one hand of six pincers – the pronoun-defying hermaphrodite Alpha Centauri.
See AlsoWhen Is A Case Of You (2013) Set❉ Because it wasn't NuWho who invented pansexuality...
6. Doctor Who: Is The Doctor Gay, Straight, Bi or None of the Above?
The bi or omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness is the best known example, being a lighthearted horn dog, a troubled immortal, and a pragmatic soldier all at the ...
The BBC recently did a study on the portrayals of LGBT characters in TV, and came to the conclusion that such roles need to be diversified beyond simple "gay" storylines. Much praise went to Doctor Who, which has always been extremely astounding when it comes to treating LGBT characters as,...
7. The Doctor - LGBT Characters Wikia - Fandom
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The Doctor is a genderfluid character (as well as an aro-ace via the Sixth Doctor and ace via the Fourth, Tenth, Eleventh and Fourteenth Doctors) who is often characterized as panromantic and asexual, from Doctor Who. Much of the Doctor's early history is surrounded in mystery and contradictions. Some accounts proclaim the Doctor a Time Lord, half-human via the Eighth Doctor film, another account shows the Doctor to be the reincarnation of the Other, and others show the Doctor to be the Timeless
8. Pride Month: The Best LGBTQ+ Companions from 'Doctor Who'
Jun 27, 2023 · A number of primary TV series companions have been implied to be queer throughout the years. But Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) was the first of the ...
For this Pride Month, we're looking at some of the best, and most influential, LGBTQ+ companions from the Doctor Who and the Whoniverse.